Oval Project Management

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A checklist to reopen your workplace after Covid19

As Philadelphia and its surrounding counties are slowly moving towards a reopening phase, many office managers, CEOs, business owners and even employees are beginning to consider if their workplace is ready for

The Great Restart. Well, your friendly neighborhood diligent Project Management team is hear to help 😁

Here's a checklist to help you decide if your office is ready for staff. βœ…

☐ Is opening consistent with state and local orders?

☐ Are you ready to protect staff that are considered "high risk" for severe illness?

☐ Do you have signage and policies in place to promote healthy hygiene such as hand washing, and wearing face coverings?

We can provide signage like this for our clients

☐ Have you made arrangements with a cleaning company to intensify cleaning and sanitization?

☐ Does your facility have adequate ventilation and do you have the ability to increase it if necessary?

☐ Have you made physical and policy changes to encourage social distancing with employees? These changes could include furniture separation, barriers, staggering shifts and breaks and reducing occupancy in conference rooms.

☐ Have you considered modifying travel and commuting practices? For example, employees who take public transportation could continue to work remotely, if feasible.

☐ Have you trained all employees on health and safety protocols?

☐ Do you have a procedure to check for signs and symptoms of employees as they arrive each day?

Covid19 Symptoms

☐ Does your leadership team understand and empowered to encourage anyone who is sick to stay home, no matter how minor the symptoms may appear? (This guidance should also be extended to include members of their household)

☐ Do you have a plan if an employee gets sick?

☐ Are you ready to consult with local health authorities if they are cases in your workplace, building or an increase in cases in your local area?

If you can βœ… YES to all of the above, then congratulations, you can pass go and collect $200 (sorry, Monopoly humor). But seriously, ongoing monitoring is important and understand that these procedures and policies will need to be in place for the foreseeable future. Most of our clients have been requesting help with sanitization, signage and guidance on furniture reconfiguration. If you need help with preparing your facility for the Great Restart, don't hesitate to contact us.

Good luck, stay well and stay safe!

We’re ready to help you get ready.